Description: Medium hard abrasive, Ideal for polishing and shining.
Machines used in: Linear - Arm - From Brindge.
Abrasive Grain N°: 24 to 60 - 120 - 220 to 280 - 400 - 600 to 800.
References: FR FR 24 RP - 60 RP - 120 RP - FR FR FR 220 RP - 280 RP- 400 RP - FR FR 600 RP - 800 RP FR.

Crystallizer powder of excellent performance, forms shinny crystals on the surface of the marble granite or terrazzo in a very controlled manner which prevents the floor from burning. It also prevents the shine from being uneven. You only need water and a white or red PAD to obtain a highly reflective shine. Rapid results.
Superbril Marble - For marble and terrazo
Superbril Granite - For granite