Custom Advising
We produce abrasives specially developed for industrial marble, natural granite and Terrazzo. These are high quality products with high yields and good performance in the process of grinding, polishing and shining to achieve unparalled final results in floor shininess. We offer abrasives to be used with water or on dry conditions, depending on the specifications of the job, and/or the requirements of the client.
We have also developed a special line for green and black marbles, likewise a special abrasive to clean and neutralize salts of some materials that dull the natural shine.

We offer a wide range of adhesives for installing Marble, Granite and Natural Stones. We also have putties for repairs of cracked floors and fractured pieces of marble. For the construction sector we offer adhesives for concrete bonding, anchoring concrete structural bars and fasteners

As an engineering company with an excellent business relations with Italy, we are pleased to introduce our representation in Colombia and Latin America of the Company TEX COMPUTER. Currently, the automation and efficiency in the manufacturing processes is becoming more relevant for the companies that want to improve productivity and increase revenue.
We have the latest in technology control, machinery and tools for any automation project. Our high quality products and market recognition are backed by the best technical services that offers the most cost-effective and appropriate solutions for our client needs .

Currently we have a promotion for our reparation and assembling of fiberglass parts for the automotive and marine industry.